Accueil DM-DIV DM DIV Amériques USA – We keep trying to make AI therapists. It’s not working.

USA – We keep trying to make AI therapists. It’s not working.

For at least 60 years, technologists have hunted for a mental health holy grail: a computer that listens to our problems and helps us.

We keep failing at making an artificial-intelligence Sigmund Freud, and there is both value and risk in leaning on technology to improve our mental well-being. Let’s talk it over. (Imagine me saying that in my most cliched therapist voice.)

Projects such as Woebot and Koko have used artificial intelligence to augment elements of talk therapy. Their predecessors included Eliza, a 1960s MIT software program that unintentionally became an early attempt at a computer shrink.

Mental health experts told me that there are no magic technology fixes for our individual or collective mental health struggles. Instead, the experts said AI and other technologies may do the most good when we don’t expect them to do too much…