International – Health agencies recommend best practices for using surrogate endpoints

A consortium of health technology assessment (HTA) agencies has released a white paper that aims to help pharmaceutical manufacturers provide better data on using surrogate endpoints to demonstrate drug effectiveness and to help HTAs make better decisions on long-term efficacy outcomes.

The white paper was produced by the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), and other members of the working group, including Canada’s Drug Agency (CDA-AMC), the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) in the US, the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, the National Health Care Institute (ZIN) in the Netherlands, the Institute for Technology Assessment in Health (IETS) in Colombia, and Rubix Health in the US.

“There is some published methodological guidance on using surrogate endpoints to inform decision-making,” the paper said. “But the level of detail varies, and there is limited guidance on using surrogate endpoints for economic modeling, and therefore, this paper aims to address some of these gaps…