Europe – Meeting highlights from the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) 8-11 July 2024

PRAC elects new chair

The July 2024 meeting of EMA’s safety committee (PRAC) was the last plenary meeting chaired by Sabine Straus, who retires as Chair after serving for two three-year mandates. EMA would like to thank Sabine Straus for her leadership and vision that were essential in steering the PRAC during the past six years. Her expertise and strong commitment to public health were instrumental particularly in responding to the public health challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Committee elected Ulla Wändel Liminga from Sweden as its new Chair. A pharmacist by training, Dr Wändel Liminga is Scientific Director of Pharmacovigilance at the Swedish Medical Products Agency – MPA – with a strong expertise in pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacovigilance. Dr Wändel Liminga has been a PRAC delegate since 2012…