Europe – Annual report highlights progress in science, medicines and health in 2023

EMA’s annual report 2023 published today details the Agency’s contributions to public and animal health in the European Union (EU). With a fresh layout and new interactive features, the report offers insights into EMA’s strategic initiatives and priority areas that guided its work in 2023.

The redesigned report outlines the highlights in the evaluation and monitoring of human and veterinary medicines and key achievements in EMA’s three major strategic areas in 2023: cancer medicines, data-driven medicine regulation, and transparency and communication. It also contains a selection of key figures and interesting trends that illustrate the broader work of EMA and its impact. The digital version of the report allows users to filter and interact with the data. Its responsive design eases the navigation on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. The report, however, is also available in the traditional, print-ready version in PDF format