International – ICH guideline Q3C (R8) on impurities: guideline for residual solvents Step 5

The objective of this guideline is to recommend acceptable amounts for residual solvents in pharmaceuticals for the safety of the patient. The guideline recommends use...

International – Industry groups call for changes in ICH M11 guideline on harmonized protocols

In comments to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), pharmaceutical industry groups called for revisions to the International Council for Harmonisation’s (ICH) M11...

International – ICH M12: Pharma industry wants clarity on rifampin dosing, more information on...

The pharmaceutical industry would like the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) to clarify dosing information for rifampin and requests additional information on the use...

International – E6(R3): ICH releases draft of overhauled GCP guideline for consultation

The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) on Tuesday published the long-awaited draft version of its ICH E6(R3) guideline on good clinical practice (GCP) for...

International – Un médicament fait espérer l’éradication de la maladie du sommeil

L’éradication de la « maladie du sommeil » – ou trypanosomiase africaine – serait-elle à portée de main ? C’est l’espoir que suscitent les résultats d’un essai...

International – ICH to adopt final guideline on drug interaction studies early next year

The pharmaceutical industry would like to get more clarity on the timing of drug-drug interaction (DDI) studies and the scope of these DDI studies...

International – ICH Guideline Q5A(R2) on viral safety evaluation of biotechnology products derived from...

This guideline concerns the testing and evaluation of the viral safety of biotechnology products, and it outlines what data should be submitted in marketing...

International – Convergence: Confusion lingers over interchangeability and switching of biosimilars

While there are some areas of general alignment on standards for accepting biosimilar applications in the US, EU and Canada, some differences are impeding...

International – ICH adopts Q13 guideline on continuous manufacturing

The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) has adopted its guideline on continuous manufacturing (CM), in a nod to embracing more modern modes of manufacturing....

International – Bébé-Crispr : la modification du génome d’embryon bute sur des obstacles techniques

Une décennie après son déferlement dans les laboratoires, l’outil de modification du génome Crispr-Cas9 alimente toujours une révolution scientifique et médicale et continue de...