USA – FDA issues final guidance on AML drug development, two oncology draft guidances

The US Food and Drug Administration has published a final guidance and two draft guidances that detail its thinking on developing certain types of...

USA – Uptake of biosimilars on the rise in the US, but number of...

Fewer biosimilars have been marketed in the United States, compared with Germany and Switzerland, and prices are significantly higher in the US. However, biosimilars...

USA – FDA outlines criteria for conducting long-term neurodevelopmental safety studies in neonates

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday issued a draft guidance to assist sponsors in determining the need to conduct long-term neurodevelopmental...
New guidance on biologics affects authorized generics

USA – FDA outlines risk-based approach to monitoring clinical trials

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday issued final guidance meant to assist drug and medical device makers in developing risk-based monitoring...

USA – FDA offers guidance on development of antimicrobials for diabetic foot infections

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released new draft guidance on developing antimicrobial drugs specifically intended to treat diabetic foot infection, a focused...

USA – Industry experts tout potential for master protocols in pediatric clinical trials

Using master protocols in pediatric clinical trials could speed the development of drugs for pediatric indications that already have development programs for adults, according...

USA – FDA updates guidance on expanded access for investigational drugs under IND

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated its guidance for industry on expanded access to investigational drugs under an investigational new drug...

USA – Stakeholders seek flexibility, greater harmonization in FDA human subject protection rules

Commenters from the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, academia and medical groups urged the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help ease the...

USA – Generic drugmakers seek clarity on pre-submission facility correspondence

Drugmakers want clarifications on an updated draft guidance the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released on pre-submission facility correspondence (PFC) for generic...

Canada – Guidance : Nitrosamine impurities in medications

This guidance represents Health Canada's current thinking and recommendations on issues related to N-nitrosamine impurities (nitrosamine impurities or nitrosamines). This guidance may be subject to...