USA – FDA drafts guidance on device production and quality system software assurance

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a draft guidance on software assurance for computer and data processing systems associated with medical...

Europe – New European Manual on Borderline and Classification for medical devices and IVDs...

Determining whether a given product falls under the definition of a medical device and the application of the classification rules fall within the competence of...

USA – Patient preference information: Researchers offer insights on medical device clinical trial design

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has increasingly called for the inclusion of patient preference information (PPI) to inform its regulatory decision-making for...

Australia – Update: Medical device UDI implementation, Essential Principles guidance

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s medical device market regulatory entity, has issued several updates regarding Unique Device Identification (UDI) regulations, Essential Principles compliance...

France – La medtech Dessintey dévoile sa nouvelle thérapie numérique de rééducation motrice

SAINT-ETIENNE (Loire) (TICsanté) - Créée en 2017, la medtech Dessintey lance un nouveau dispositif numérique de rééducation fonctionnelle et ouvre un site de production,...
MHRA Offers Grace Period for Device Manufacturers Dealing With Withdrawn Notified Bodies

UK – Medical devices: UK approved bodies

UK approved bodies for medical devices...
Practical guidance for procedures related to Brexit for medicinal products for human and veterinary use within the framework of the centralised procedure

Europe – MDCG 2022-14 – Transition to the MDR and IVDR – Notified body...

The MDCG recognises that significant and urgent challenges remain in ensuring sufficient capacity of notified bodies and readiness of manufacturers in order to allow medical...

Europe – New study shows pioneering test for endometrial cancer could significantly reduce diagnosis...

The pioneering tests, developed by researchers at the University of Innsbruck in Austria and University College London, could mean a significant reduction in the...
ANSM : Antibiotiques et Résistance Bactérienne : Une Menace Mondiale, des Conséquences Individuelles

France – ANSM authorizes production of drug delivery device under old directive

Nous avons été informés le 27 juillet 2022 par la société Symatese Device d’une rupture d’approvisionnement en canules utilisées pour l’administration du diazepam par...

Israel – New study use musical tests for early detection of cognitive decline

“Our method enables routine monitoring and early detection of cognitive decline in order to provide treatment and prevent rapid, severe deterioration,” said the researchers...