SCCS - Final Opinion on Solubility of Synthetic Amorphous Silica (SAS)

Europe – COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) …/… laying down common specifications for the groups...

This Regulation lays down common specifications for the groups of products without an intended medical purpose listed in Annex XVI to Regulation (EU) 2017/745. Annex...

USA – FDA proposes breakthrough status for devices that address health disparities

The US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) has proposed that devices that aim to eliminate disparities in...
Topical Drug Products for Cutaneous Application: Human Safety Assessment Guidance

USA – FDA issues roadmap to medical device regulatory guidance topics list for 2023

The US Food and Drug Administration has released a list of guidance documents it plans to issue over its 2023 fiscal year. FDA’s Center...

USA – FDA launches TAP Pilot to speed access to safe and innovative medical...

The US Food and Drug Administration announced that it has launched a pilot program designed to foster earlier conversations in the medical device product...

Europe – IA: la Commission européenne renforce l’exigence de garantie humaine

PARIS (TICpharma) - Le futur règlement européen sur l'intelligence artificielle (IA) devrait être finalisé "début 2023", signant le "top chrono" pour la mise en...
Practical guidance for procedures related to Brexit for medicinal products for human and veterinary use within the framework of the centralised procedure

Europe – 34ème Organisme Notifié

ENTE CERTIFICAZIONE MACCHINE SRL Via Ca’ Bella, 243/A - loc. Castello di Serravalle 40053 Valsamoggia (BO) Country : Italy

France – Une approche des études PMCF alliant IA et données de vie réelle

Le nouveau règlement européen sur les dispositifs médicaux se traduit notamment par une augmentation substantielle des exigences pour la surveillance post-commercialisation, en particulier pour...
Topical Drug Products for Cutaneous Application: Human Safety Assessment Guidance

USA – FDA device center guidance priority lists targets COVID, digital health

The US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) has published its FY2023 guidance priority lists. Much of the...

France – Concevoir un dispositif médical conformément à l’ISO 13485:2016

Avant sa mise sur le marché, un dispositif médical passe par de multiples phases de conception. Les premières étapes, dites de faisabilité, consistent à...
MHRA Offers Grace Period for Device Manufacturers Dealing With Withdrawn Notified Bodies

UK – Guidance : Software and AI as a Medical Device Change Programme

Software (and AI in particular) plays an increasingly prominent role in health systems, having a wide set of applications across health and social care....