Coronavirus delays many FDA foreign inspections

USA – Industry seeks clarity, ICH Q9 alignment in FDA’s device production software...

Comments in response to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s draft guidance on software assurance for computer and data processing systems associated with...
DEKRA accredited under the MDR

Europe – European Notified Body survey: MDR, IVDR certification numbers remain low

A new survey from the European Commission shows that many medical device and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) manufacturers have yet to apply for certification...

France – Alzheimer: intérêt d’un algorithme d’apprentissage profond appliqué à la rétinographie

LONDRES (TICpharma) - Un algorithme d'apprentissage profond appliqué à la rétinographie semble présenter de bonnes performances pour détecter des personnes atteintes d'une maladie d'Alzheimer,...

USA – Quinze ans de prison requis contre Elizabeth Holmes, fondatrice de Theranos

Les procureurs ont requis 15 ans de prison contre Elizabeth Holmes, star déchue de la Silicon Valley, tandis que la défense a plaidé pour une...

Europe – Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems

EVO-NANO aims to create an integrated cross-disciplinary platform for the artificial evolution and assessment of nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems. Nanoparticles (NP) are increasingly being...
Temporary Policy for Preparation of Certain Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer Products During the Public Health Emergency (COVID-19) : Guidance

USA – Action needed on FDA regulation of AI-based medical devices

After lagging other sectors for years, the era of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is dawning as its use is becoming more prevalent in a variety...

USA – FDA advisors want standards, labeling to address racial disparities with pulse oximeters

A panel of external US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) experts are urging more research to improve the efficacy of pulse oximeters in people...

France – La Société française de dermatologie appelle les autorités à réglementer l’usage de...

PARIS (TICpharma) - La Société française de dermatologie (SFD) et son groupe de télédermatologie et e-santé (Teldes) a appelé les autorités de santé à...

France – Surveillance des infections associées aux dispositifs invasifs en 2020

Santé publique France publie les résultats de la 2e édition de la mission nationale SPIADI menée entre le 1er janvier et le 15 juillet...

USA – FDA updates guidance on identifying and responding to deficiencies

The US Food and Drug Administration has revised the guidance document Developing and Responding to Deficiencies in Accordance with the Least Burdensome Provisions to update the...