Spécificités méthodologiques d’évaluation clinique des Dispositifs Médicaux Connectés

France – Consultation publique sur le guide d’aide au choix des dispositifs médicaux numériques...

De très nombreuses solutions numériques sont aujourd’hui utilisées dans le cadre de soins courants. Pourtant, leur utilité ou leur pertinence par rapport à l’arsenal...
EU Advances SPC Waiver Proposal

Europe – Questions and Answers: Commission proposes an extension of the transitional periods for...

The EU rules on the safety and performance of medical devices were created in the 1990s. In April 2017, the European Parliament and the...

USA – FDA eases labeling, clarifies IVD requirements in COVID transition guidances

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made several changes to its guidances for transitioning medical devices and diagnostics from COVID-related authorization to...

Europe – 38ème organisme notifié au titre du Règlement 2017/745 

38ème organisme notifié au titre du Règlement 2017/745 
As coronavirus roils region, EU device body adamant about steps to hit MDR deadline

Europe – Le règlement (UE) 2023/607

Le règlement (UE) 2023/607, publié au JOUE, modifie les dispositions transitoires relatives à certains dispositifs médicaux et à certains dispositifs médicaux de diagnostic in...

Europe – Publication of the Third Edition of the “Clinical Evidence Requirements under EU...

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Third Edition of the “Clinical Evidence Requirements under EU In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation” Regulatory eBook. The Questions and Answers eBook was developed by...
Joint Implementation/preparedness plan on the new Medical Devices Regulation 2017/745 (MDR) on March 11th, 2020

Europe – European Regulators Move to Increase Notified Body Capacity

The European Commission (EC) has taken new measures to relieve some of the pressure on Notified Bodies and free up capacity to perform medical...

USA – New rule directs mammography facilities to tell patients about breast density

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a final rule intended to ensure patients are better informed about their breast tissue density...

Europe – Advisory group urges UK to ‘rapidly explore’ recognition of US device approvals

A group formed to advise the UK government on the regulation of medical devices is pushing for officials to “rapidly explore” building an equivalence...
Les changements avec le RDM : le livret explicatif et pédagogique du SNITEM (Mars 2020)

France – Radiation de 2 DM essentiels dans la prise en charge de l’AVC...

Au 1er mars 2023, deux catégories de dispositifs médicaux innovants seront radiées du Titre V de la LPPR* les cathéters de thrombo-aspiration (AVC) et les guides...