USA – FDA will begin accepting breakthrough devices for TAP pilot in 2023

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will start accepting products into its total product lifecycle advisory program (TAP) pilot starting in January. The...
Practical guidance for procedures related to Brexit for medicinal products for human and veterinary use within the framework of the centralised procedure

Europe – Expert decision and opinion in the context of the Clinical Evaluation Consultation...

This scientific opinion reflects the views of independent experts (MDR Article 106) on the clinical evaluation assessment report (CEAR) of the notified body. The...
IMDRF Offers Three Final Clinical Guidelines

International – IMDRF guidance aims to harmonize, streamline review reports

The International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) recently published guidance intended to streamline regulatory reporting requirements across jurisdictions. The document lays out expectations not...
Practical guidance for procedures related to Brexit for medicinal products for human and veterinary use within the framework of the centralised procedure

Europe – MDCG 2022-21 Guidance on periodic safety update report (PSUR) according to regulation...

The Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR) has been introduced in Article 86 of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2017/745. The introduction of the PSUR requirement...

International – Diabète : un pansement intelligent pour soigner et cicatriser les plaies chroniques

Les plaies chroniques dites « non cicatrisantes » concernent des dizaines de millions de personnes dans le monde. Ainsi, de 15 % à 25 % des patients diabétiques...
EU Advances SPC Waiver Proposal

Europe – Questions and Answers: Commission proposes an extension of the transitional periods for...

The EU rules on the safety and performance of medical devices were created in the 1990s. In April 2017, the European Parliament and the...

Spain – Des applis mobiles pour prédire le risque d’exacerbations de BPCO et détecter...

BARCELONE (TICpharma) - Des applications mobiles utilisant l'intelligence artificielle (IA) apparaissent comme des outils d'aide à la prédiction des exacerbations de bronchopneumopathie obstructive chronique...
Opinion On Allergy Alert Test (AAT) as a proof-of-concept study

Europe – MDCG 2022-16 – Guidance on Authorised Representatives Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical...

Where the manufacturer of a device is not established in a Member State, the device may only be placed on the Union market if...

USA – Remote regulatory assessments: Pharma, device groups want more details on FDA guidance

Trade groups representing the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, while largely supporting the use of remote regulatory assessments (RRAs) as outlined in the US...
Seegene's COVID-19 test authorized for emergency use in Korea

South Korea – MFDS rules on medical device insurance and designated non-clinical testing institutions

South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) has announced updates to several medical device and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) regulations. The announcements include: ...