USA – We keep trying to make AI therapists. It’s not working.

We keep failing at making an artificial-intelligence Sigmund Freud, and there is both value and risk in leaning on technology to improve our mental...

Europe – MDCG 2022-17 – MDCG position paper on ‘hybrid audits’

This paper outlines the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) position on the possible use of hybrid audits by notified bodies under Regulation (EU) 2017/745...

Europe – MedTech Europe’s vision for a resilient medical technology ecosystem

The digital ecosystem has dramatically changed the way in which healthcare is delivered to patients. Nowadays, medical technology companies concentrate not only on ensuring...

Europe – MDCG 2021-5 Rev. 1 : Guidance on standardisation for medical devices

The EU legislative framework on medical devices currently consists of two Regulations adopted and entered into force in 2017: • Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical...

France – Plusieurs défis à relever pour assurer la sécurité des DM connectés (Afib)

LILLE (TICsanté) - Pour relever le défi de la sécurité des dispositifs médicaux (DM) connectés, il faut travailler sur la formation des ingénieurs biomédicaux,...
FDA launches new resource to provide easily accessible, more accurate historical drug approval data

USA – FDA issues road map to medical device regulatory guidance topics list for...

The US Food and Drug Administration has released a list of guidance documents it plans to issue over its 2023 fiscal year. FDA’s Center...

USA – New FDA guidance offers ethical roadmap for including children in clinical trials

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued draft guidance outlining a series of ethical considerations for conducting clinical trials that involve children. The guidance,...

UK – Artificial pancreas technology set to change lives

Individuals who are typically unable to manage their type 1 diabetes will be offered new technology to help them control their condition. Furthermore, the...

France – Ensinger Machining utilise hyperMILL pour usiner le cœur artificiel Carmat

Basée à Beynost dans l'Ain, Ensinger Machining (anciennement UMP) est spécialisé dans l'usinage de matières plastiques hautes performances. Filiale française du groupe allemand Ensinger,...
As coronavirus roils region, EU device body adamant about steps to hit MDR deadline

Europe – Le règlement (UE) 2023/607

Le règlement (UE) 2023/607, publié au JOUE, modifie les dispositions transitoires relatives à certains dispositifs médicaux et à certains dispositifs médicaux de diagnostic in...