International – FDA, Health Canada, MHRA release guiding principles on transparency for machine learning...

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Canada, and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have released additional guiding principles...
As coronavirus roils region, EU device body adamant about steps to hit MDR deadline

Europe – MDCG 2024-1-5 : Guidance on the vigilance system for CE-marked devices DSVG...

The aim of this Device Specific Vigilance Guidance (DSVG) is to harmonise vigilance reporting and provide guidance for manufacturers of Urogynaecological Surgical Mesh Implants used for...
SCCS - Final Opinion on Solubility of Synthetic Amorphous Silica (SAS)

Europe – Monitoring the Availability of Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices...

Medical devices (MDs) and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) are essential for a working healthcare system and play a crucial role in the...

Europe – Annual report 2023

The Management Board’s oversight role covers the full range of EMA programmes and activities, making sure that the Agency works effectively and co-operates successfully...

France – Acide hyaluronique : les autorités sanitaires renforcent la réglementation en rendant la...

Issu de travaux de concertation menés par la Direction générale de la Santé, ce décret vise à mieux protéger la population des injections illégales...
COVID-19 outbreak: the presidency steps up EU response by triggering full activation mode of IPCR

Europe – Medical devices: Council adopts new measures to help prevent shortages

The Council has adopted new rules updating the law on medical devices in order to help prevent shortages and ease the transition to greater transparency and access to...

Europe – Questions & Answers for applicants, marketing authorisation holders of medicinal products and...

This Question and Answer (Q&A) document provides practical considerations concerning the implementation of the medical devices and the in vitro diagnostic medical devices regulations...
Practical guidance for procedures related to Brexit for medicinal products for human and veterinary use within the framework of the centralised procedure

Europe – MDCG 2022-4 Rev 2 Guidance on appropriate surveillance regarding the transitional provisions...

Article 120 of the Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR), as amended by Regulation (EU) 2023/6071, states that devices which are covered by valid...

Switzerland – Des paralytiques retrouvent l’usage de leurs mains grâce à un dispositif de...

A l’aide d’un dispositif de stimulation non invasive de la moelle épinière, des personnes paralysées ont retrouvé l’usage de leurs mains. L’ARCex est un petit stimulateur...
ANSM : Antibiotiques et Résistance Bactérienne : Une Menace Mondiale, des Conséquences Individuelles

France – Règlement européen relatif aux dispositifs médicaux : fin de la période de...

Le règlement UE 2017/745 relatif aux dispositifs médicaux, en vigueur depuis le 26 mai 2017, a été suivi d’un règlement modificatif UE 2023/607 en mars...