Europe – GUIDANCE on the content and structure of the summary of the...
This document is intended to provide Commission guidance, in accordance with Article 77(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of...
Europe – Team-NB : Best Practice Guidance for the Submission of Technical Documentation under...
This best practice guidance document has been developed by members of Team NB who have reviewed the best practice guidance documents submitted by individual...
UK – Medical devices – extended acceptance of CE marked medical devices on the...
A statutory instrument has been laid in Parliament, which will enable an extended timeframe for acceptance of CE marked medical devices on the Great...
Europe – Intellectual property: harmonised EU patent rules boost innovation, investment and competitiveness in...
Today, the Commission has proposed new rules to help companies, especially small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), make the most of their inventions, leverage new...
Europe – Amendement des normes IEC 60601 : les impacts sur l’évaluation des DM
Publiée pour la première fois en 1977, la norme IEC 60601-1 décrit les exigences générales de sécurité et de performances applicables aux dispositifs électro-médicaux....
Europe – Transition to MDR underway for 63% of outgoing Directives certificates
The number of applications for certification under the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) almost doubled to 9,615 last year, according to a survey of notified...
Switzerland – Switzerland, too, extends medical device certifications to safeguard supply
Switzerland plans to extend the certification of medical devices to match changes in the EU and reduce the risk of supply disruption.
Recently, the EU...
UK – Extension of CE certificates
The EU has taken steps to give manufacturers more time to get certain medical devices certified under the EU Medical Devices Regulation (EU MDR). The new...
Europe – Questions and Answers: Commission proposes an extension of the transitional periods for...
The EU rules on the safety and performance of medical devices were created in the 1990s. In April 2017, the European Parliament and the...