Special 510(k)s: CDRH’s Proposed Program Expansion Draws Mixed Reactions

USA – FDA updates third party 510(k) guidance

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a draft guidance that updates a 2020 final guidance on its third party 510(k) review...

USA – Experts discuss red flags that can trigger legal action against drug and...

Legal observers discussed some of the red flags that can trigger legal actions against healthcare product manufacturers, as well as some of the lessons...

USA – Fall unified agenda includes new rule on removing outdated regulations, returning QMSR...

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published the fall 2023 unified agenda for the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that...

USA – Combination products: FDA experts address UDI, harmonization, OPQ reorganization

Officials from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fielded wide-ranging questions on the development and marketing of combination products — from UDI requirements...
TGA Seeks to Support Software as a Medical Device, Develop Cybersecurity Guidance

USA – Device cybersecurity must be a priority from design through retirement, experts say

Cybersecurity must be a priority for any medical device that connects to the internet, from its earliest design phase to the end of its...

USA – Combination products: Non-harmonized regulations are hurting manufacturers

Divergent global regulatory frameworks are making it tough for manufacturers to move ahead with innovative combination drug/device products, according to a panel of experts...

USA – TCET pathway may broaden access to breakthrough devices, but reforms still needed

While the Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies (TCET) pathway proposed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) offers the potential to speed...

USA – Existing software development lifecycle tools can help speed AI/ML products to market

Software developers creating artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) medical products should move forward with the software development lifecycle (SDLC) models they are already familiar with...
Could AI Become the New Quality Control Manager in Medical Device Manufacturing?

USA – Providing context to AI/ML products may address explainability says FDA

Context is important when trying to address issues of transparency and explainability of artificial intelligence and machine learning products (AI/ML), according to a regulatory...

USA – Legacy devices report highlights need for data to support future policies

More data is needed to understand the risks legacy connected medical devices pose to the healthcare system, particularly in their vulnerability to cyberattack. That...