USA – Experts, FDA officials discuss future of clinical trials

Officials from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and participants from the JAMA Summit on clinical trials recently highlighted the relationship between the randomized controlled trial (RCT), the downsides of RCTs, and the gap that exists in implementing trial results in clinical practice.

The paper, published as a special communication in JAMA, was a key focus of the first JAMA Summit, a two-day meeting where stakeholders discussed how to better integrate clinical trials with clinical practice.

“Traditionally, clinical trialists and clinicians have worked independently, and, as the authors of the Special Communication underscore, their separate missions, incentives, and infrastructures have been siloed. The result is inefficiency in the performance of trials and limitations in their scope and impact,” Gregory Curfman, executive editor for JAMA, wrote in an editor’s note accompanying the paper…